Перевод: с английского на турецкий

с турецкого на английский

take liberties

  • 1 take liberties with

    v. cüret etmek, küstahlığını göstermek, özgürlüğünü duymak, senli benli olmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > take liberties with

  • 2 take liberties with

    v. cüret etmek, küstahlığını göstermek, özgürlüğünü duymak, senli benli olmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > take liberties with

  • 3 liberty

    n. özgürlük, hürriyet, istiklâl, izin, saygısızlık
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (freedom from captivity or from slavery: He ordered that all prisoners should be given their liberty.) özgürlük, hürriyet
    2) (freedom to do as one pleases: Children have a lot more liberty now than they used to.) özgürlük, serbestlik
    3) ((especially with take) too great freedom of speech or action: I think it was (taking) a liberty to ask her such a question!) cüret, küstahlık
    - take the liberty of

    English-Turkish dictionary > liberty

См. также в других словарях:

  • take liberties — (with (someone)) to be friendly with another person for your own benefit. The head of our department believed that everyone there would take liberties with her if she let them …   New idioms dictionary

  • take liberties — index infringe Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • take liberties — ► take liberties 1) behave in an unduly familiar manner towards a person. 2) treat something freely, without strict faithfulness to the facts or to an original. Main Entry: ↑liberty …   English terms dictionary

  • take liberties — ACT WITH FAMILIARITY, show disrespect, act with impropriety, act indecorously, be impudent, act with impertinence; take advantage, exploit. → liberty * * * 1) behave in an unduly familiar manner toward a person you ve taken too many liberties… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take liberties — {v. phr.} To act toward in too close or friendly a manner; use as you would use a close friend or something of your own. * /Mary would not let any boy take liberties with her./ * /Bill took liberties with Tom s bicycle./ Compare: MAKE FREE WITH …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take liberties — {v. phr.} To act toward in too close or friendly a manner; use as you would use a close friend or something of your own. * /Mary would not let any boy take liberties with her./ * /Bill took liberties with Tom s bicycle./ Compare: MAKE FREE WITH …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take\ liberties — v. phr. To act toward in too close or friendly a manner; use as you would use a close friend or something of your own. Mary would not let any boy take liberties with her. Bill took liberties with Tom s bicycle. Compare: make free with …   Словарь американских идиом

  • take liberties — 1. to change something, especially a piece of writing, in a way that people disagree with. Whoever wrote the screenplay for the film took great liberties with the original text of the novel. (usually + with) 2. to be too friendly to someone in a… …   New idioms dictionary

  • take liberties — Synonyms and related words: abuse a privilege, be disrespectful, be overfamiliar with, bother, dare, deride, disesteem, disparage, disrespect, encroach upon, get fresh, get smart, have a nerve, have the cheek, have the gall, hold in contempt,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • take liberties with someone — take liberties (with (someone)) to be friendly with another person for your own benefit. The head of our department believed that everyone there would take liberties with her if she let them …   New idioms dictionary

  • take liberties with — take liberties (with (someone)) to be friendly with another person for your own benefit. The head of our department believed that everyone there would take liberties with her if she let them …   New idioms dictionary

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